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Thursday, 21 January 2016

Horse Gram
Horse gram is a reddish brown legume with many health benefits. It is rich in taste and at the same time provides you many nutritional benefits. Hence it is one of the favorite foods for all walks of people. As it is a grain with rich amounts of proteins, vitamins and iron it is believed that it can reduce the extra fats in the body along with the help of reducing weight. It is having good amounts of B-complex vitamin and proteins.  It aids in purifying menstruation and prevents and cures the arthritis. The high amount of dietary fiber present in the horse gram balances the blood pressure and sugar glucose levels.

Health benefits of horse gram
· The horse gram plant exhibits the properties of astringent, diuretic and antioxidant. It is used in the treatment of many health problems especially to treat diarrhea, hemorrhage and hemorrhoids.
· In curing the menstrual problems, leucorrhea and bleeding during the pregnancy period horse gram plant works effective.
· Horse gram plant treats the patients who are suffering from weak liver, spleen enlargement and colic with its medicinal properties. And to cure the kidney stones, gall stones and high blood pressure increase the intake of horse grams.
Soak two or three table spoons of horse gram in sufficient amount of water for a whole night, in the following day make the horse gram in to paste and consume it for two times a day. You can also drink the soaked water for the added benefits.
In ayurvedic medicine horse gram has wide importance, it is suggested to consume to sort out the health problems such as gastric, worm infections, cough, ulcers, excessive perspiration and difficulty in breathing.

· The regular intake of horse gram helps to flush out the worm infections, it regulates the digestive system and ward offs acidity and flatulence.
· Grind the horse gram and make it into fine powder, add two table spoons of this powder to a cup of water and drink it. This mixture gives you relief from skin rashes and controls the boils.
· Add some amount of horse gram to water and boil it, this boiled water will help to regulate the fever.
· Would you like to treat the menstrual problems like irregular periods and heavy bleeding, then horse gram is an ideal choice. Add horse gram to your daily diet whether in the form of sprouts, soups or boiled water to watch the results.
Similarly to control the bleeding after pregnancy horse gram works well. Women can daily intake one table spoon of horse gram powder in the early morning on empty stomach to improve the overall health.
· Boil a table spoon or two of horse gram in water and grind it to form a semisolid paste, now add this paste to pinch of pepper powder and swallow. This simple method will give you relief from common cold, cough and sore throat.

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